
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Sunday 7 February 2016

Accident today at the Corner of Queen and Westmorland Street in Fredericton!!!! Blogger gets a Opppsssss....


If you watched the video, you will notice a woman walking into the Bank with a Baby!!

After taking pictures, I went inside to check on the Baby.

There was this woman hugging her child.

I asked if the baby was ok??

The baby is fine they answered!!

I asked to take a picture?

No problem she replied!!

Here's the pic!

  1. IMGP3680

I asked if I could take a picture of the Baby???

She answered - No problem. After I'm finished with the breastfeeding!!!!

I quickly shot back - BREASTFEEDING??????JESUS CHRIST!!!!!

I was upset with myself that I never notice...grrrrrrr

So? What's the big deal in breastfeeding in a public place anyway???? I never noticed!!!



  1. The important thing is that the baby and mother are safe!!

  2. There is no problem breafeeedinng in public

  3. Cute story and great pics. Very few breastfeeding women are noticeable and I have no idea why anyone would have a problem with it.

  4. A tit for a tat
    big deal....get over it 20:28
    tete de blette
