
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Irving Stands To Lose 63 Million Dollars If Alward Looses Election

Irving wants Alward Elected so that he won't lose his tax breaks

Re Blogged from The Left Eye

Irving has a vested interest if the Alward government were to win this election on September 22. Brian Gallant announced that his party would start to make the 1% pay their share of taxes, which would represent $63 million dollars in tax savings for the province. There is consensus among the other alternative parties that if the 1% paid their share of the taxes, the province would not be in the financial state that it currently experiencing.

Brian Gallant is the first leader speak out on tax inequality between rich and the poor, which is a reflection of new political ideologies which has permeated liberal party over the last four years.
Vote yes is to vote yes for selling the province short, for example the royalty deal that he has made with the shale gas industry is only pennies that that province would receive as compared royalties paid out in the province of Alberta. Recently Alward has basically given Irving all of the forest on Crown lands for virtually receiving nothing from the Irvings.

Vote yes means a government that will represent the will of the corporations not the will of the citizens.


  1. While I tend to agree a liberal vote right now is better than the alternatives, I'd really like to see where Gallant has been making these comments. I've heard them from the Green Party, but not the liberals-who, after all, were the ones who first gave the lucrative tax cut to the 1% (actually, in New Brunswick its more like the .5%).

    However, there is little evidence that without some SERIOUS gouging that higher taxes for the 1% will balance the books. 63 million dollars certainly isn't going to cut it.

    1. yeh this is tired and old style politics, appeal to the mass, and tax the wealthy and big business. Generally has little financial impact and in the end the wealthy and big business just change there address, and pay less taxes some where else. Generally these people are the job creators as well, not the lame ass government who say they will create jobs. Again let the promises begin, all of which im pretty sure a 28 lawyer who just started work probably has no idea. I supect the conseravtives will win, but much closer and hopefully more representation from NDP and Green.

    2. mik is right the liberals dropped taxes accros the board under Shawn Graham to create jobs and more revenue ?? very un liberal. then the conservatives just raised taxes on the wealthy, to increase revenue and create jobs. very un conservative. neither strategy has worked. Now the liberals are going to increase taxes on 1 percent again, a complete 360 on there last time in power. Just trying to get votes and unfoutunatly the Dumb NBers will vote what ever sounds best in the short term. Will waste 2 years bringing in another whole new government, and we will be in exact same spot in another 4 years. good times !! Not sure if the conservatives will be any better, but hoping they learned a few things in last 4 years, and agree with above, will probably win a reall close battle, with hopefully some NDP in to bring some fresh ideas.

  2. we will never increase the taxes of the one percent ... unless he gives them a way out by allowing more deductions ... remember that 1% are the one linning the pockets not us
