
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Panhandler is questioned about Fredericton Parking Commissionaire telling them to move on!!!

Fredericton Scotsman Parking Commissionaire is asked about telling Panhandlers to move on!!!

Minister of Justice and Public Safety Denis Landry is confronted by the Blogger on Prisoners walking back home to Fredericton and other Romantic issues!!!!!

5 Fredericton Police Cruisers surrounds Homeless person in Downtown Fredericton!!!!

Fredericton Women's Executive Organizing Committee are joined by Sesame Street Star ERNIE!!!!!!!!

Fredericton Women's Executive Organizing Committee maybe should be called - The Fredericton Gals!!!!

Protocol broken at the New Brunswick Legislature!!!!!

The Cando National Conference in Fredericton is visited by the Blogger!!!

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Fredericton Women's Executive Organizing Committee bakes a cake for Blogger???


C.U.P.E. Member makes a speech with music in the background.....

Blogger questions people after Brian Gallant Speech from the Throne!!!

Will MLA'S from Party in Power support C.U.P.E. concerns???

C.U.P.E. member Patrick Colford concerns for the injured workers in New Brunswick!!!

C.U.P.E President Daniel Legere blast Government in support of injured workers!!!

C.U.P.E. marching on the New Brunswick Legislature for injured workers!!!

C.U.P.E. President Daniel Legere interviewed by the CBC about Injured Workers!!

Canadian Armed Forces marching in front of the New Brunswick Legislature!!!!

Monday, 23 October 2017

Panhandler Mike Kennedy sings away in a Alley in Fredericton!!!

Fredericton Women Executive Organizing Committee and Fredericton Mayor Mike O'Brien are ranted by Blogger!!!

Mainstream Media are asked by if Premier Gallant will hold an Election???

Premier Brian Gallant is face by Blogger!!!

Premier Brian Gallant doesn't call Provincial Election!!!

This old cartoon reminds me of what happened to me with the Fredericton Women's Executive Organization Committee at the Fredericton Convention Centre Friday Evening!!!

Go at the 2:20

Why do you have to be politically correct these days??? It should go both ways!!!

Anything is possible at the Fredericton Convention Centre!!!!!

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Fredericton Women's Executive Organizing Committee is viewed by Blogger!!!

New Brunswick P.C. Party is visited by the Blogger!! Getting ready for Provincial Election?

Will Premier Brian Gallant call an election tomorrow morning??? P.C. Leader Blaine Higgs will pray tonight that he doesn't!!!!! Party got no money because of VERY bad investment!!

If New Brunswick Premier Brian Gallant calls an election? Will taxpayers get their money back???

Plus.....A BIG PLUS.....Is the fact he just appointed a few new Ministers.........what a kick in the head eh????

Panhandler Robert Fisher is asked about Fredericton Parking Commissionaires going after Panhandlers!!

A citizen is asked about Fredericton Parking Commissionaires going after Panhandlers!!

Panhandler Mike Kennedy is asked about Fredericton Parking Commissionaires going after Panhandlers!!!

Wade Ruest is interviewed by the Blogger!!!!

He approached me tonight and wanted me to do a video....I got home and saw he was wanted by the Police....Looks like a young fella who is sick of running...just wants to be left alone.....One question...why do they send him to a group home in Mncton while he wants to stay in Fredericton????

Saturday, 21 October 2017

Cathy Pugh General Manager of the Fredericton Convention Centre goes after Blogger for ticket at Brad Woodside Event!!!!

I had a rough go at Brad Woodside's event.

First it was snobby event organizers Carol Burtt and Karen Caverhill confronting me in front of hundreds of people < which could have turned VERY ugly very fast >

Click below for video -

Then soon afterwards, Cathy Pugh General Manager of the Fredericton Convention Centre comes to degrade me in front of 400 people!!!

It didn't take long for the people at my table to tell her that I was a guest. They just couldn't believe what was going on. Can Snobs truly run an event supporting Portage????

I had trouble with this woman 5 to 6 years ago and I heard she fired many people.

I believe she should be fired also!!!

We DON'T need no Snobby Manger at the Convention Centre!!!!

Stay tuned for more stories on this individual. By the way....beside these peole trying to ruined my evening and TRULY showing me that Racism is VERY much alive....I had a good time.....thanks to Brian Jones....:)

Fredericton Parking Commissionaires to order Panhandlers to move on this week!!!

Former Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside sings New York..New York!!!!

If Brian Gallant dares to call an Election on Monday? It will be the end of the Liberal Party!!!

Brian Gallant to announce Provincial Election Monday????

Blogger is confronted by Snobby Portage Executives to leave Brad Woodside's event!!!

I'll get to more details this week.....I even have a video of the Manager of the Fredericton Convention Centre confronting me at my table!!!!!

Stay tuned for video!!!

What a bunch of Snobby idiots!!!!

One of these snobs is Carol Burtt < never heard of her in my life. Who is the other one????

P.S. Beside these confrontations...I had a good time...:)

Fredericton's Elitists Snobby People have GOT to go!!!!!

Monday, 16 October 2017

Stupid Cops!!!

Abandon K-9 is an HUGE benefit!!!! This K-9 just refuse to sniff under the vehicles for Drugs so the Cops got rid of him!!!! The new owners just brings this little fella in the woods and say - Come on Boy...go find the Weed!!!! Go find the Weed!!!!...and Voila...lot of weed for the cold winter months!!!!...Stupid Cops!!!!..:P

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Blogger says thank you to Tim's Horton on Regent Street in Fredericton for a good laugh!!!!

New Brunswick Legislature have a new Sergeant-at-Arms!!! Will he be Stupid or Smart????

Myra Stewart died one year ago today!!!

Myra died one year ago this morning....I sure wish time didn't exist....:(

I read some old facebook messages we exchanged and it was quite a relationship.

Ever since she died I still DON'T understand why I feel this way? There's no way in the world  Myra would have mourn over me the way I'm doing.  I'm writing this note with tears in my eyes. < Very strange >

The morning she died, I was having this picture taken with a good friend < Young Doctor > and supporter of mine.

I haven't visited Myra for the last two weeks because I had a cold.

Once home, I emailed her Daughter asking her if it was OK for me to visit her mom at the hospital?

She asked me for my phone number? She called and cried on the phone telling me that her Mommy just died.

I will never forget that crying sound for the rest of my life.

People told me that once you're in Palliative Care? It's over!!!!

It was still a shock to this Scottish individual that she was gone.

She looked OK but nobody knew what that darn and deadly Cancer was doing to her body. was the beginning of a mourning period for this Blogger. I would preach to anyone who I saw puffing a cigarette!!!! I cried and cried that day. I didn't understand what I was doing because she would have never cried for this pain in the ass individual...:(

This is the only picture we took together...It goes to show you how heavy the drugs she was

So I went on an emotional roller coaster. I preached to strangers the danger of smoking. As Myra would say - I was told to Fuck off!!! < by a few >

Here's a video I made the day she died!!! I never mentioned her name because she never wanted to be on my bullshit blog < as many other of my friends >

Please share this video if you can -

This is going to be a VERY difficult day but I will manage.

We were like Sister and Brother who would look after each other.

We would fight and fight. As she would say - We don't get along because she always fight. The MAIN issue was smoking and she didn't want to hear it.

I remember telling her - Why do I even talk to you??? Other people did less and I never spoke to them again!!!

She answered - You know I won't tolerate your Bullshit!!!


I often wonder if Pete misses Myra???

I remember when I was a fat bastard and I didn't even know it. < 250 pounds > We made videos of me being the biggest loser and I lost 50 pounds. Myra was the pusher being me. I'm going to go on a another diet tirade this week in memory of my friend.

So...I am sending my prayers to her family < Lisa and Jeremy > and friends on this sad day.

Until we meet again my friend and it would be nice to hear you telling me off once again....:)


Your message was to the point, and your remininiscings very well presented. Smoking is a curse, dreadful addiction ruining every organ in the body, and too many times ending with dreadful cancer. Keep doing a good work. Yours, Vladimir Sokolowski from Miramichi NB

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Never leave home without your Camera in Fredericton....

Kelly Lamrock spotted at the Farmer's Market in Fredericton!!!

Did you know this idiot goes into private documents of the citizens in this city???

I just don't understand why Blaine Higgs want to be associated a guy like this?????

Could be an election ue with this Blogger!!!!

Fredericton MP Matt DeCourcey and Blogger debate the issue of Saint John MP Wayne Long being discipline by Justin Trudeau!!!!!

Green Party Leader David Coon will bring issue to Question Period of inmates in Provincial Jails are force to walk home!

The problem is much deeper that the government and the justice system, the problem lies within the society its self. We hold that we are an advance society. We are caught up with all this fancy, complicated technology and in that sense we have advanced but that its it!

We have not ventured beyond our emotions. As a society we let our emotions, rational decision making takes the back seat in judging others. There are some exceptions, rationality comes to the forefront when the consequence of those decision that directly effect us, for example, the decision to buy an house, car. to move from one area to another, yes we are very rational in our thinking when it comes to "Me" decisions.

Once we go outside of our subjective (the "me" decisions, to the "you" decisions then the emotional thinking kicks in) and judgements are based on our emotion state rather than on our rational state. In other words the rational thinking shifts from the frontal lobes of our brain which is responsible for higher order information processing to the amygdala of the brain which is the core of our emotions.

You ask yourself what does that have to do with the story?

To answer that you need to answer the question is what is deviant behavior? The answer is any human behavior that is outside the socially acceptable behaviors at a specific time.

What makes a person a criminal are the specific behaviors that have been identified in a body of law commonly known as the criminal code. Those behaviors fall under the main umbrella of deviant behavior.

Once a person has been labelled a criminal he/she have are down graded to sub human and are treated as such, those who have been labeled as such, like the blacks pre 70's in the states are discriminated against, they are denied employment and other opportunity, looked upon as a social pariah and be treated as such.

Now here is the contradiction and this is where not transporting a person back to the place of sentencing comes in. At one level we say we must "Rehabilitate the offender", Yet as a society we do everything to set the individual for failure upon release from the provincial jail. By not taking a person to their place of sentencing after release that action puts that person in a high risk of offending.

Not all inmates who are sentence to provincial jails are criminals, but are there because they either refused to pay a fine or can not afford to pay a fine.

If they have been incarcerated because they could not afford the fine, forcing that person who has no financial means to get back to their home places them at higher risk of engaging in criminal behavior as defined in the Criminal code.

Corrections both provincially and federally is an "industry that creates thousands of decent paying jobs" I guess if we were too successful in reintegrating the individual to accept the acceptable social norms that would mean a loss of jobs for many. So it isn't to the best interest of the economy to lower the recidivism rate.

So until social attitude changes, for these inmates who are released, Nancy Sinatra summed it up in the song "These boots are made for walking", 'Are you ready, boots? Start walkin'

Rock and Roll will never die in Fredericton...close but it will continue to play along.......

Donald Arseneault– Campbellton-Dalhousie is agitated by Pain in the Ass Blogger!!!

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Fredericton Lawyer Danny Watters and Blogger continue to debate issues!!!!

Dan Watters would have made a phenomenal professor, the way he presents his thoughts, he would have been a student magnet. His explanation for the reasons of war are partially correct only in the sense that he limits the causes are for the rich. The problem with tha, is that t explanation doesn't explain tribal wars. I would be more accurate to have explained it as that it is the result of a ruling class vying for control of resources, economics and people. Ludwig Von Mises explains cause of war in this context when in this context it explains the war thing, cross-culturally and historically as well.

His question on the existence of god, by asserting that god doesn't exists. That definitive statement assumes absolute knowledge which doesn't exists.

Given what we know, it is acceptable to state that , the existence of god is possible, but highly improbable on what our current knowledge.

Louis and Mary Leakey excavations in Olduvai gorge gives much credence that the origins of our species was in Tanzania, The human traits that we currently enjoy was all evolution that has at least for today the dominant species ...

Driving in class in Downtown Fredericton!!!

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Is it CN Rail or Irving Rail???

Full of energy....

Young and full of energy!!!! Unfortunately many of our Native youths were force on Ritalin by the School. The reason is the Native mind is a constructive one. It's not meant to sit down in a classroom and don't move. Sad.....