
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Can so-called Poet Andrew Spencer be in HUGE trouble????

Must be a VERY slow News Day to hit the front page as this one but maybe just maybe the Irving Journalist Don MacPherson knows after his years of expertise in the Court system that there's something VERY fishy in this case?

I am not going to go into the details of this case but I will say that the Fredericton Police and Miramichi Police are telling the Prosecutor that I'm a guy who is exploiting kids between the age of 8-12 years old for Financial Gain.

The so-called Poet  approached me yelling and waving his arms in Army Fatigue was upset over this video.

The Police never bothered asking the Parents if they were upset with the video? The Idiot Poet told the Cops the parents begged not to be in the video. I might add the Parents are VERY private and good people. They asked the Poet to drop his concerns but he wouldn't!!!

The reason the small child was scared is because the Parents were riding their bicycle and the kid didn't have a helmet.

A female Cop stop her cruiser and began yelling and screaming that the Cops were going to take the kid away from the Parents.

The poor child couldn't sleep at night because he was terrify the Police would take him away?

I might add after the Cops left, people began to gather on the street asking what was going on???

The Parents explained what just happened.


All lies.....The Police fooled the Prosecutor to take this case.

There's nothing wrong with the video and the Cops are going on a fishing exhibition.

This is the last time I'm going to lower myself in writing about this idiot mentality ill individual.

Listen to this video disrupting a women protest against violence.

He had the same attitude the day he came after me but he's making himself look like the victim!

Here's another video with the same attitude and someone else wanted to punch him. Observe the beginning of the video with his arms in the air.


That was the EXACT same attitude he had when he approached me on July 3rd.

It's no use writing about this idiot because it's the Police pushing this issue via the Courts.

There's no way that I'm guilty and it will be proven but I must say this - Maybe Irving Journalist Don MacPherson knows there's something IS NOT RIGHT in the way this case is being handle?

Police tricking the Prosecutor????

One question? 95% in the disclosures are all lies!!!! What can be done to the idiotic Poet if he's known to tell the police all lies????

Can he be charge???? Can anyone walk in the Police station and tell lies? Don't the Police have to truly investigate a case before it goes to the Prosecutor????

Truly stay tuned.

Found dead person at 72 Regent Street in Fredericton tonight!!!!

Monday, 19 January 2015

Elsipogtog Chief Arren Sock is confronted by Blogger in Fredericton!!!!


Premier Brian Gallant sits down with Blogger!!!

Story of the assault by Blogger!!!

This is the story and I might add my witness didn't know why we were doing the video....

Blogger Charles LeBlanc face Media after being charge with Assault!!!

Picture 4248Picture 4240

Blogger will show up in Court this morning at 9:00am for ridiculous charge!!!

Don't worry Charles. The crusade against you by the City of Fredericton is one stupid move after another, and this assault charge against you is the latest example of that stupidity. The person who is bringing the charge against you is the same person who yelled in anger at woman gathered for last September's "Take Back the Night" rally - a rally to stop violence against women! I just can't believe the City could be so stupid as to bring this charge forward in our courts. If it wasn't sad, it would be right out of the "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" movie.

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Blogger expects his hundreds of Facebook Friends and close to 1,000 Twitter Followers to show up in court in the morning at 9:00am!!!!

Tomorrow morning I will be in court for a so-called assault charge...I might add they will label me as a pedophile < from the Fredericton Police > so I expect all of my hundreds of Facebook and Twitter friends to show up in support!!..

Fredericton Police Force will ONCE AGAIN labeled Blogger as a Pedophile in Court in the morning!!!!

These idiots from City Hall and the Fredericton Police Force are AGAIN labeling the Blogger as a Pedophile.

You wouldn't believe what's in that disclosure? I'm going to launch another Lawsuit against the Fredericton Police.

I just don't get it!!!! These so-called Cops can label citizens as Pedophiles but you can't call them Baby rapists?

It's time to get rid of this Force!!!! Idiots!!!!

Now I understand why the Crown Prosecutor Sebatien Michaud agreed to the charges. But they are all lies and the Cops never investigated!!!

P.S Just when I started to talk to them....:P...The Cops must love the negative publicity?...:P
This is from a few months ago - 

Blogger Last meal before going to court at 9:00am in the morning at Diary Queen on Union Street in Fredericton!!!! Is this a sign of what's coming???

This looks Evil....

If I was a child? I would be afraid to walk in that building...

This is so sad.....

These pictures were found in a old house but nobody knows who they are.....very sad that family members don't spread the word to future generations of who these people are...:(

Who do you trust the most for good pictures???

This will NEVER happen in Fredericton in the Racist City of Fredericton!!!

Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside speaking from both side of his Mouth!!!

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Fredericton Police vicious Prosecution continues against Blogger!!!!

I just got my disclosures and I can't say much because they forced me to sign papers not to share the information.

I just can't believe how far the Fredericton Police Force would go to put me in Jail???

They are still trying to portrait me as a pedophile and everything will be in Court!

I have people looking into the books to have the Province have an Public Inquiry on the Fredericton Police Force!

How can you bring a person in court by lies????

I showed this to a few people and they just can't believe what they read!!!

A Family is VERY upset that their names were forcefully dragged in this mess because of these false accusations by the Lunatic Poet!!!!!

I apologized to them last night but they are the main issue of this confrontation

The Police never bothered talking to them and this is insane!!!!!

Cops are too busy chasing people riding a bicycle without helmets while dead bodies and people are assaulted.. We need a true Police Force and not a bunch of clowns

I am going to make a complaint to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General after Monday.  This cannot go unchallenged.

Look at him going after women and the woman pleaded to the Cops to grab him but they didn't!!!!

The manner you see him shouting is the way manner he was when he approached me on the street. Idiot!!!

What a HUGE waste of money!!!!

...and to think I was ready to sit down with their lawyers to talk about my lawsuit???

We need a major Television show like W-5 to investigate our Justice System and our Police Force!!

They never made a proper investigation and now a poor family will have to be drag in Court because the Cops and Prosecutor believe a drunken mentally ill Poet who harass people on the Streets.This is nuts!!!!

I will not show the video that's the center of this issue.....I will share after Monday!!!

If you see this Lunatic? Ignore him because he's a nut!!!!!

Truly stay tuned for Monday morning at 9:00am at the Justice Building!!!!

English Language is BYE BYE in New Brunswick!!!!!

Can Fredericton Mayor Brad < Smoky > Woodside ever be trusted????

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Blogger is going to take it easy!!!

I was going to go at the Police Station today or tomorrow to press an assault charge against the idiotic Poet Andrew Spencer but I decided to take it easy.

I know the Justice System is corrupt and especially racist against the less fortunate.

I replayed and replayed the confrontation I had on July 3rd when the drunken so-called Poet confronted me on the streets in Fredericton.

I don't know the guy but I will admit that it was scary.

My God...Immigrants were running away from this drunken lunatic before he came after me.

In a year from now? I will be laughing at this saga.

I'm going to take it easy and see what they say in the disclosures...

Police are protecting the Idiots!!!!


I just read a guy in NB was charged after his place west of Saint John was broken into in the night, 2 guys and a girl..he struggled with one guy, ended up shooting the break in bandit in the leg and hes charged??

Thats fucked up totally..


Will the Catholic Religion remain strong in smaller Communities???

Special Crown Prosecutor Sebastien Michaud will give Disclosure to Blogger in the morning!!!

Took long enough....sighhhhhh

Then we will know who is behind these false accusations....lets not forget that someone from the Crown Prosecutor Office accuse me of exploiting kids for Sex exactly three years ago Monday!!!


I never went against the Crown prosecutor as I did with the Public Safety Minister but something is VERY odd in this charge.

I might add that I don't have the rights to a Lawyer....

One thing is certain...the issue of the Fredericton Police Force will be debated during the trial. Maybe we finally can get some answers because the drunken Lunatic Poet Andrew Spencer confronted me and accuse me to be a Pedophile.

Truly stay tuned.....

Quebecois Dan Bussieres not leaving???

Heard the News last night...The Government renewed his contract for another 5 years I guess?

Can anyone confirm this????

Praying for Carla LeBlanc from Minto!!

Will Fredericton Police have their wish on Monday morning at 9:30am in the Justice Building????

This is SO WRONG but we must asked the question - How many other people have this happened to????

Someone from the Crown Prosecutor is going out of their way to set up these bogus chrge against me.

Are these the same people who accuse me of exploiting Kids for Sex???

Lots of issues going on but can't say in here....will bring it up Monday morning!!!

Racism against the less fortunate? Of course it is!!!! We need a Provincial Inquiry against this Racist Agenda!!!

The Debate continues.....

By André Faust

In an unprecedented move by law enforcement, Social Activist Charles Leblanc was given a court date to enter a plea on and assault charge without receiving a notice to appear. This information was reported by Irving’s Canada East court reporter Don Macpherson, Macpherson writes; Blogger to appear in court on summary assault charge at 9:00am on January 19, 2015.

What is extremely bizarre is Charles LeBlanc was never given a notice to appear from the police or any court officials yet a court date has been scheduled.

I spoke with Charles and as of 8:00 pm on January 7th 2015 Charles hasn’t received any documentation from the courts or the police requiring him to appear on January the 19th. This is quite unusual, even for a trivial offense such as riding a bicycle without a safety helmet the enforcement officer issues a notice/promise to appear which is contained in the ticket and if the person does a no show than a warrant for their arrest will be issued.

In Macpherson’s article published on January 6th in the Daily Gleaner, Macpherson make no reference to who is laying the charge, so it is not known whether it’s the Miramichi Police Force or the crown who filed the charge against Leblanc, because Macpherson has not mention who laid the charge, one can’t rule out that the story may be a fabrication.

If the story is accurate the implication is that a person can be given a court date to answer to the charge without their knowledge. Common sense tells that the likely hood of non-appearance is pretty high if they have not been formally given notice to appear in court. What happens, are they arrested and detained for failing to appear?

This would appear to be contrary to the intent of our charter of rights, which is pretty scary stuff when you consider that people can be arrested and put in jail because they failed to attend their court date because haven’t been given an appearance notice. Once this issue is resolved, either for or against Blogger Charles, the public should be told how much it cost to get this low level offense into court, and in addition a comparative cost this action with other summary assaults that the courts have heard over the years.

The onus is on the crown to prove that Charles is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, if the crown fails, and Charles is found guilty, then one can only conclude that the courts found him guilty to justify the high cost of bringing Charles to trial.

4 Responses Mordaith, on January 9, 2015 at 18:30 said: Andre. Dude. Not cool. I had a great deal of respect for you up until this point. Macpherson is a stand up journalist. Who has only treated Charles with the fairness and respect he not only deserves but has asked for. Seriously? Making a comment that he may have made it all up? Do you know how you rule that stuff out? You know before you possibly slander a man and bring his professional credentials in to question? You ask him. Or you ask the cops. You check the facts. A simple phone call to the court, the police, or hell even the news paper could have illuminated this situation. Maybe you should really take a good firm look at how to check this information out, learn how to report on issues, before you start shooting at the hip with your itchy trigger finger against the first ‘evil corrupt Irving baddie’ you can find. You probably have no idea who I am. But I consider my self and old friend of Charles. And I had a large amount of respect for you until I read this. Shame on you. This kind of knee jerk reactionary writing is exactly the fodder that the big companies and the other powers that be need to continue to discredit left leaning people who value critical thinking.

Reply lefteyex, on January 9, 2015 at 21:29 said:

In response to your argument. I re-read the commentary, and I could not find anything that could be construed as an attack on Don MacPherson person nor did I find anything derogatory references about Don. The only thing that I could see was the comment “one can’t rule out that the story maybe a fabrication”, but I didn’t say nor suggested that it was Don who fabricated the story. The context was, where Don Macpherson omitted to mention his source, then one cannot rule out rule out the likely hood that the information that he provided may have been fabricated. Later in the commentary it did say “if the story is accurate”. The faux pas that Don MacPherson did, is, he reported that the accused was charged with an offense and the date of the court appearance before the accused was notified that they were being charged with an offense, Charles Leblanc was served with a summons to appear in court on the 19th of January which is two days later after Macpherson’s story, but that doesn’t exonerate the fact that the Daily Gleaner published prematurely the court date before Charles received his summons to appear. I have made several inquiries to see if is common practice for media to publish Charges being laid and the appearance date without the accused having prior knowledge that they were being charged. From my query it does appear that is not common practice for media to “Put the cart before the horse”. If you can show me explicitly that the commentary is not factual, I will re-evaluate the story, and if you are correct I will take the responsible action to remedy it, while I appreciate your feedback on the commentary, I stand by my commentary as is. – André Faust Reply

Mordaith, on January 10, 2015 at 00:40 said:

“In Macpherson’s article published on January 6th in the Daily Gleaner, Macpherson make no reference to who is laying the charge, so it is not known whether it’s the Miramichi Police Force or the crown who filed the charge against Leblanc, because Macpherson has not mention who laid the charge, one can’t rule out that the story may be a fabrication.” Seems pretty clear, to myself, and other who read this, that you implied Don made it up. And if you are trying to ‘spin’ it any other way, you are just as bad as the same people you criticize. Changing your narrative, claiming context and inference when what you meant was pretty darn clear. Shame on you Andre. I’m seriously disappointed. Consider yourself down one reader.

Reply Margret Leaky, on January 11, 2015 at 02:34 said:

I read the story the was published in the Daily Gleaner. I didn’t find any inaccuracies in Andre’s story. As far as fabrication, given the relationship that charlie with the justice system, it would be possible for someone to make something up just to discredit “The Blogger”

To be fair...Here's the Irving story -

DON MACPHERSON Fredericton Daily Gleaner Share this article January 5, 2015 Charles LeBlanc, a controversial blogger in Fredericton, will appear in court Jan. 19 to answer to a charge of summary assault.

Photo: Stephen MacGillivray/The Daily Gleaner archive

A controversial blogger and anti-poverty activist is set to appear in court later this month to answer to an assault charge.

Charles Joseph LeBlanc, 55, of 1-145 Westmorland St., Fredericton, faces a summary charge of assault, alleging an assault on Andrew Spencer in downtown Fredericton on July 3.

While the incident is alleged to have occurred in Fredericton, the city police force had asked an outside agency – the Miramichi Police Force – to investigate the complaint.

LeBlanc’s first appearance on the assault charge is scheduled for the morning of Jan. 19.

The Daily Gleaner reported last fall the Miramichi Police Force was investigating an assault complaint at the Fredericton force’s request, and LeBlanc confirmed he was the focus of that investigation.

LeBlanc has a tumultuous history with police officers in Fredericton.

He’s been arrested, convicted and sentenced for causing a disturbance, stemming from a one-man bullhorn protest at the police station.

The city police also investigated him for criminal libel, but that didn’t lead to a charge.

The provincial Attorney General didn’t approve the charge as the relevant section of the Criminal Code of Canada had been found to be unconstitutional.

City hall paid for an independent review of how the city police handled that libel investigation, which involved the police seeking information from LeBlanc’s Internet service provider.

A document filed with the provider that indicated the police were seeking evidence in the libel probe also referred to a search for evidence of a child-exploitation offence.

The police force said that was a clerical error, but LeBlanc doesn’t accept that explanation.

On his blog, he referred to members of the Fredericton Police Force as pedophiles, though he’s never had any evidence to back up those claims.

Those allegations led city chief administrative officer Chris MacPherson to file a complaint with Google, which owned the free online service on which LeBlanc’s blog was hosted.

The city official requested that posts on the blog that referred to officers as pedophiles be removed. Google opted to remove the entire blog.

LeBlanc has since launched a new blog at the same hosting service.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Accident at corner of King and York Street Fredericton!!!!!!!

Why is informant Andrew Spencer protected by the Fredericton Police????


Maybe Andrew is an informant. That would explain why the police did nothing when Andrew Spencer heckled the woman gathered for the "Take Back the Street" rally in front of Fredericton City Hall on September 19, 2014.

The video clearly shows Andrew Spencer yelling so loudly at the crowd that he disrupted the speeches.

 One of the organizers is trying to speak in the microphone over his yelling and says: "Is there anybody who would feel comfortable escorting this gentleman perhaps over to our police officer's car who could maybe address the profanity?

And then I am going to start again." The police did nothing.

 Can we "Take Back Our Police Force"?

Fredericton Police rush to scene of 10 year old out of control!!!

This is insane!!!!

A 10 year old out of control < hitting the walls >and the first thing he's going to see are Cops???

Come on now??? What are these steroids Gorillas going to do??? Taze the little boy???

We know this little boy WILL NOT respect the Cops when he's older so we all know where his future is going to be located....sad...

UPDATE....Now the cops are called for a 4 year old???? FUCK!!!!!!!< excuse my humble language >

Lets not forget it's the same Cops that River Rat Matt Myers gave the orders to taze a 16 year old Autistic kid a few months back!

Monday, 12 January 2015

What's new with the Forestry Deal?????

Racists Members of the Fredericton Police Force driving the less fortunate to their Grave!!!!!

Accusing the less fortunate to exploit children for Sex...hoping they might commit suicide... Time for the Province of New Brunswick to have a open Public Inquiry on the Witch hunt being done by the Fredericton Police against the less fortunate!!!


Fredericton Police to order Saint John Police to give ticket to Clifford Jesso in Saint John???

No bicycle helmet.....why not?..The same happened to me when they gave me a ticket 9 days after Dan Bussieres made a complaint that I was riding a bicycle on the sidewalk!!!!

Je suis Charlie is not respected in Fredericton New Brunswick!!!!


Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside DOES NOT support Je suis Charlie!!!

Memorial for the Boys "n" Red one hour ago on Highway 8!!!

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Maurice The Homeless views on Blogger's Arrest by Fredericton and Miramichi Police!!!


Any one that has known Charles since he was a kid knows that he has been in lots of fights.

Most of his fights were because Charles can be a pain in the ass or people just wanted to make a name for them self by bragging that they beat up Charles.

They also know that for some weird reason he will always let the other guy take the first swing and hope that there first punch is a good one. A stupid way of fighting if you ask me but that is Charles.

Then after that I hope the guy is ready for a ass whipping if he didn't land his first punch.

The nut case poet attacked Charles like he does everyone and is a real nut case and a known police informant. But since he is a police informant he is there boy and they will protect him.

I wonder how much crack the cops gave him from the impound stash for him to go after Charles? I wonder how many times people made complaints about him and nothing was done because he is there boy?

Its funny that two panhandlers picked a fight with Charles in such a short period of time when Charles hasn't been in a fight in years.

This is such a mickey mouse charge anyone can tell that its a other one of the Fredericton police farce witch hunt to get Charles put in jail so he will stop exposing all there dirty deeds.

What a fucking joke!!!

Come on, How many times will they try to frame him?

I hope this gets mainstream media attention and Leane, Bobbie Simone and everyone involved loose there badge over this bullshit witch hunt once and for all.

All Charles wanted was a public apology for every time they tried to frame him with bogus charges.

You see, Charles was treated very well by the Fredericton police farce until he made the mistake of video taping one of there cops beating the crap out of a Canadian soldier.

They have been after Charles ever since and they wont stop plotting a plan to put him in jail until they succeed.

--maurice the homeless guy--

A few months this thing would cost $150.00 for a quarter of Gas!!!

Today it cost $70.00!!!!

Andrew Spencer Court case could he helpful for Panhandlers in Fredericton???

This guy is into everyone faces....Even an elder told me today that she's afraid of this Lunatic!!

This is the reason I'm putting a complaint to the Minister of Justice and the New Brunswick Police Commission about this situation.
If the Crown wins this case? All Citizens could be a victim in the Downtown area?

If you're confronted by this guy in Army Fatigues and fight back? You will be charge.

The public better ignore this idiot!!!!

Even in this video? The woman asked the Police to take this lunatic away but they didn't!!!..Why????


You give money to this Lunatic??? This what he does!!! He goes after the citizens and if they fight back?

He cries like a baby to the Cops!!!!

I'm glad I saved this clip because it truly shows the idiot he truly is!!!!

I believe the Fredericton Police sent this guy to disrupt the Female Rally because they never touched him!!!!

Watch this video -


Fredericton Police Sergeant Tim Sowers and Greg Scott from the Miramichi Police charge Blogger with Assault!!!

This is so wrong.....they charged me with assault and no Cop have talk to me about this issue.

First the Fredericton Police accuse me of having Sex with kids and now this?

I'm putting a complaint to the Justice Minister and the Police Commission!!!! 
This is insane!!!

Who is the Cop from the Fredericton Police Force anyway???

Nice walk around the Bridges last night!!!

Court date set for Blogger Charles Leblanc without Blogger's knowledge!!!!

By Andre Faust
Re blogged from The Left Eye

 In an unprecedented move by law enforcement,  Social Activist Charles Leblanc was given a court date to enter a plea on and assault charge without receiving a notice to appear. This information was reported by Irving’s Canada East court reporter Don Macpherson, Macpherson writes; Blogger to appear in court on summary assault charge on January 19, 2015. What is extremely bizarre is Charles LeBlanc was never ( more  click here ----->)

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

The Irving media to be sued???

We sure can't have this!!

Many people are approaching me asking me what happened that the Cops charged me with Assault???

There's something VERY wrong in this case!!!

I have never been served and the Irvings tells the public that I was charged with Assault!!!!

People are giving me a dirty look and I don't like it!!!

Maybe with a lawsuit, I would get some answers? Can they do this? Do I have to show up because it was in the Irving Media???

Mayor Brad Woodside and City of Fredericton to applaud the murder of 12 people in Paris!!!!

This City is the most anti-Freedom in the whole World!!!!

Hey???? Are they going to shut down City Hall for a Month????


This is where the new Methadone Clinic will be located in Fredericton!!!

It's pictures and stories like these the City of Fredericton wanted destroyed by ordering my Blog shut down!!!


Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Why would Assault Charge be on the Front Page of the Irving Paper if Blogger wasn't served????

Carla LeBlanc from Minto will laid to rest today!!!!

I just found out the sad News and it's VERY sad she died so young....I learned a lesson...when someone is in the hospital and emails you to visit them?

Don't let your busy world stand in your way!!!

Go and visit them. I didn't drop in for a visit and now she's gone...:(

Sadly it was Carla Birthday on December 31th. I left a message saying - Birthday? I taught you were dead???

No joking manner....maybe she was dead....:(

We have lost a great human being. She had a heart of Gold...

She always reminded me that she owns me a coffee...:)....If I'm allowed to go to heaven? I hope to have that cup of coffee with my good friend.

We have lost a great one and May Carla find peace that she had a Very difficult time to find in this life on Earth...


Good Bye my friend and till we meet again....:)

Blogger Charles LeBlanc Assault charge makes the Front Page of the Irving Media but Blogger never been served!!!!!

Nothing on the Radio Stations this morning so that's a good sigh!!!

The Liberal Government must launch an Public Inquiry on the Fredericton Police Force!!!

What bothers me is I was assaulted at the New Brunswick Legislature and no charges went ahead!!!

Snowmobiles in Fredericton but the Fredericton Police are too busy chasing cyclists riding their Bikes without a Helmet!!!!

Fredericton Parking Commissioners would have armed Guards down the States!!!

Monday, 5 January 2015

All ready for the Fredericton Police to raid Blogger's Place!!!

You have to get ready when you're dealing with a Fascist and Racist Police Force!

I made a few phone calls so everyone knows what to expect from these so-called Cops!!!

As I wrote on many occasions, they arrest the less fortunate and make them sign conditions that are impossible to follow.

In my case, they did the exact same thing but couldn't wait because they raided my place three days later.

They expected to find Child Porn but failed!

Of course, I will tell the Cops to politely go Fuck themselves because as the Bernard Richard said - They are suppose to have a hand off approach when it comes to me.

What a way to start the year eh?

We must find out who in the Justice Department decided to pursue this witch hunt against me????

Irving Media says Blogger Charles LeBlanc to be charge with Assault!!!

I first noticed my name on social media that Blogger was charged with assault. I taught there was another Blogger in the City????

This Cop from Miramichi with the Fredericton Police wanted to talk to me!!!!

I was told not to give the Cops any statements so I made this video

You can tell there's no editing in the shot deal!!!! But the guy did tell me afterwards that the story is a little different < a little stronger siding with me! >

Now wait till you find out who was involved in this investigation??? < YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE IT!!!>

We need a public inquiry more than ever to find out who are these people from the Justice Department and Police who are working behind the scenes against me????

One thing is certain??? If it would have been a snobby bureaucrat who defended himself from a drunken druggy lunatic? It would have never see the light of day in Court!!

The battle for Justice continues...I wonder if Stephen Horsman is working behind the scenes????


Courts Blogger accused of summary assault to appear in court DON MACPHERSON Fredericton Daily Gleaner Share this article January 5, 2015 Charles LeBlanc, a controversial blogger in Fredericton, will appear in court Jan. 19 to answer to a charge of summary assault.

Photo: Stephen MacGillivray/The Daily Gleaner archive

A controversial blogger and anti-poverty activist is set to appear in court later this month to answer to an assault charge.

Charles Joseph LeBlanc, 55, of 1-145 Westmorland St., Fredericton, faces a summary charge of assault, alleging an assault on Andrew Spencer in downtown Fredericton on July 3.

While the incident is alleged to have occurred in Fredericton, the city police force had asked an outside agency – the Miramichi Police Force – to investigate the complaint.

LeBlanc’s first appearance on the assault charge is scheduled for the morning of Jan. 19.

The Daily Gleaner reported last fall the Miramichi Police Force was investigating an assault complaint at the Fredericton force’s request, and LeBlanc confirmed he was the focus of that investigation.

LeBlanc has a tumultuous history with police officers in Fredericton.

He’s been arrested, convicted and sentenced for causing a disturbance, stemming from a one-man bullhorn protest at the police station.

The city police also investigated him for criminal libel, but that didn’t lead to a charge.

The provincial Attorney General didn’t approve the charge as the relevant section of the Criminal Code of Canada had been found to be unconstitutional.

City hall paid for an independent review of how the city police handled that libel investigation, which involved the police seeking information from LeBlanc’s Internet service provider.

A document filed with the provider that indicated the police were seeking evidence in the libel probe also referred to a search for evidence of a child-exploitation offence.

The police force said that was a clerical error, but LeBlanc doesn’t accept that explanation.

On his blog, he referred to members of the Fredericton Police Force as pedophiles, though he’s never had any evidence to back up those claims.

Those allegations led city chief administrative officer Chris MacPherson to file a complaint with Google, which owned the free online service on which LeBlanc’s blog was hosted.

The city official requested that posts on the blog that referred to officers as pedophiles be removed. Google opted to remove the entire blog.

LeBlanc has since launched a new blog at the same hosting service.

Blogger gives his predictions for the year 2015!!!

Fredericton Irving Paper refuse to print letter to the Editor!!!

I don't like the fact that the Irving Journalist didn't write all the facts on this case!!!!

This was the story in the Irving Paper on December 2th -

Courts Panhandler gets prison time for robbery, assaults

DON MACPHERSON Fredericton Daily Gleaner

Share this article December 2, 2014 Michael Joseph Gaudet, 57, is shown in this security still image. He was sentenced to prison time Tuesday on robbery and assault charges.

A Fredericton man who robbed a pharmacy of prescription painkillers, who assaulted a local blogger because he didn’t like him recording all the time and who assaulted a rival panhandler was handed a 38-month prison term Tuesday.

Michael Joseph Gaudet, 57, of no fixed address was back in provincial court Tuesday to hear a judge’s decision on sentence for several crimes he committed.

Gaudet previously pleaded guilty to robbing the Regent Street location of Shoppers Drug Mart of a quantity of prescription painkillers on Aug. 12, breaching a judicial undertaking as a result, and assaulting two men, one on May 9 and another May 18.

The sentencing hearing began last week, but it was set over to Dec. 2 because the Crown noted victim-impact statements in the assault cases hadn’t been ordered or sought.

One of the assault victims – controversial blogger and social activist Charles LeBlanc – specifically expressed the desire to file one, and he was present for the sentencing hearing last week.

However, when the hearing resumed Tuesday, Judge Mary Jane Richards noted no victim-impact statements were filed despite being ordered.

LeBlanc wasn’t present for Tuesday’s proceedings.

The judge noted the robbery consisted of Gaudet demanding drugs from pharmacy staff and threatening to hurt someone if he didn’t get what he wanted. He made off with $9,000 in pharmaceuticals.

Richards said the two victims who filed impact statements in that case indicated they were now nervous at work and worried about being robbed again.

One of the women wrote she “had no doubt that Mr. Gaudet would’ve hurt her,” the judge said.

The court also previously heard that Gaudet was annoyed with LeBlanc because he felt the blogger had filmed him against his wishes.

Furthermore, the May 18 assault consisted of Gaudet punching and kicking a man he felt had taken his rightful panhandling spot at Tim Hortons on King Street.

The Crown had sought a three-year prison term for the robbery but an additional month each for the breach and the assaults.

Richards agreed those were fitting sentences, but to consider the sentencing principle of totality, which dictates sentences for multiple offences shouldn’t be overly onerous, she imposed a global prison term of 38 months.

She also noted the sentence is to be reduced to account for time Gaudet has already spent in custody since mid-August.

Richards also prohibited Gaudet from possessing firearms for 10 years following his release from prison and ordered him to submit a DNA sample for inclusion in a national criminal database.

The judge imposed mandatory victim-fine surcharges totalling $600, and Gaudet opted to serve the consecutive default time of six days rather than pay them.

============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== This is my letter to the editor that has been denied -

I must reply to the story your Paper made on the Court Session of Mike Gaudet.

To the Editor,

On May 9th...I had a huge fist fight with well known Panhandler Mike Gaudet. I didn't enjoyed being spat on so I went to the Police.

On October 30th Mr. Gaudet changed his plea to not guilty. He told the Court some lies about what truly happened. The sad part was I wasn't in that room to defend myself.

On November 24th, I showed up for the trial and he once again changed his plea to Guilty.

The Prosecutor Ed Derrah began explaining to the Court what happened.

He told the Court - Mr.Gaudet didn't appreciate being filmed by Mr. LeBlanc on the day in question.

The Judge told the Court sentencing will happen in 20 minutes. I quickly approached Edward Derrah and told him - That's a lie!! I never filmed Mike Gaudet.

The Duty Counsel answered – “I don't have to talk to you” and walked away!!!

I told the Lawyer that I would make a complaint to the Law Society! I have made over 10,000 videos and never filmed Mike Gaudet!

The court staff knew I was upset so once the Judge walked in Court the prosecutor told the court they need a victim-impact assessment.

To make a long story short. The worker contacted me for a Victim-impact assessment. He told me that I cannot tell the court that the Duty Counsel was lying. I could only say that I haven't been the same since he spat on me.

I am a victim but I felt more victimized by Edward Derrah because I had no right to counter his lies.

On Dec 2, your paper quoted - One of the assault victims – controversial blogger and social activist Charles LeBlanc – specifically expressed the desire to file one, and he was present for the sentencing hearing last week. However, when the hearing resumed Tuesday, Judge Mary Jane Richards noted no victim-impact statements were filed despite being ordered.

I didn't bother to file one because I wasn't allowed to counter the lies being told by Ed Derrah in Court. I didn't bother making a complaint to the Law Society but I would suggest that Mr. Derrah polish his manner in the Courts! At the sentencing hearing the judge also repeated the untrue statements of what Mr. Derrah had said, that I had been filing and photographing Mr. Gaudet.

P.S. The public should have listening device so the public can hear the going on in the Courts. Better yet, let’s have our court proceedings on Television.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Blogger will get some facts in 2015 from Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside and Council!!!

Yes....interesting time in months ago....:(

Who is this so-called Indian Nutcase anyway???

Sgt Andrew MacDonald of the Fredericton Police Force huge mistake!!!

See the undercover Cop coming after me! Trying to stop me in covering a Protest!!! < He was soon fired afterwards >

Fredericton Police Force don't believe in Protests. This is the reason they had Cops with Rifles at the Legislature last Month.

The scary part in all this? There were no lawyer at the Police Station and they wanted me to signed conditions that I couldn't talk to any MLA'S pending my trial!!!!< I told them to take a hike >

Lafleur told me - If you don't sign these papers?  YOU ARE GOING TO JAIL!!!!!!

So? How many people are in jail because they were force to sign these ridiculous conditions????

Scary part is Mayor and Council are supporting these Clowns!!!!

Why when I was arrested in 2009 at the New Brunswick Legislature that I was charged with Assault???

Just going through old pictures and found this.

It was funny because a few weeks later, I made the video of the Cop beating up the soldier.

The Fredericton Police left me alone until the Cop was acquitted and they came after me.

Accuse me to have Sex with Kids!!!

Yes...we do need a Public Inquiry and get rid of these Idiots Cops!!!!

Blogger comes face to face with Satan Snobby Bureucrat!!!!

It was funny yesterday, I noticed this guy with a Satan Winter Hat < huge horns > at a teller bank machine. <br/>
I don't know why but I asked the guy if I could take a photo?<br/>
You know Banks and Satan hand in hand???<br/>
I quickly noticed that I was dealing with a snob.<br/>
Of course he denied my request so I'll be looking for the Satan Buraucrat on the streets...<br/>
Trule stay tuned!!!<br/>


Collecting a few pennies...

Will 2015 be the year the Fredericton Police Force exterminates the Pain in the Ass Blogger????

He was a serious dude...

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Was never seen again....

La Messe de Minuit!!!!! Guess where??

So true...

The orders came from Fredericton to arrest me in Saint John. They arrested, assaulted and deleted all my pictures.

After a trial the Chief of Police apologize for what happened.

But the Fredericton Police tells my internet provider that I was exploiting kids for sex but no apology???

What's wrong with this picture anyway???

No Blood Snobs stayed away from the Farmer's Market in Fredericton but Panhandler was there!!!!

Blogger Charles LeBlanc ONCE AGAIN FAILED to give his predictions for the year 2015!!!!

Funeral Service's for Carla Leblanc will be Tuesday Jan 6th at 2:00 pm at Bishop's Funeral Home in Fredericton!!!

Blogger Charles LeBlanc tries to give his Prediction for the year 2015 but fails!!!

The citizens in Fredericton are hiding in fear because of the Fascist Members of the Fredericton Police Force!!!!

I walked the Bridges during the last two evenings and didn't meet one individual!!! Why is that now???

Are the members of the Fredericton putting fear in the Public???

People are being beaten up to death and the Police are lost to locate the cowards.

They are too busy chasing the less fortunate in this City who are riding a bicycle without a helmet.

The scary part is if these poor soul fight back? They will be excuse by the Cops to have sex with kids!

This is what they do because they know the less fortunate don't have the right to good lawyers so therefore they get away with this but 2015 will be the year we will fight back against these steroid Gorillas!!!!

If you're arrested by these Goofballs? Demand the right to have the R.C.M.P. present because these are not Cops!!!!

I'm surprise the Fredericton Police Force didn't stop them because it was unsafe????

Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory at King's Place was shut down yesterday!!!!'s VERY difficult to open a new business these days.

This one was located right in the middle of King's Place. You would notice they would give a little piece of chocolate to the people in the area.

Fredericton Police to hunt down the Panhandlers in 2015!!!

I can't believe when I heard on the Scanner. I just told an homeless guy who was sleeping in the Bank to move on in the Cold night!!!

Lets see if former Cop and new Public Safety Minister Stephen Horsman will give these Cops more power in 2015?

Friday, 2 January 2015

Carla LeBlanc from Fredericton found dead in her apartment this morning.....:(

I just found out the sad News and it's VERY sad she died so young....I learned a lesson...when someone is in the hospital and emails you to visit them?

Don't let your busy world stand in your way!!!

Go and visit them. I didn't drop in for a visit and now she's gone...:(

Sadly it was Carla Birthday on December 31th. I left a message saying - Birthday? I taught you were dead???

No joking manner....maybe she was dead....:(

We have lost a great human being. She had a heart of Gold...

She always reminded me that she owns me a coffee...:)....If I'm allowed to go to heaven? I hope to have that cup of coffee with my good friend.

We have lost a great one and May Carla find peace that she had a Very difficult time to find in this life on Earth...


Good Bye my friend and till we meet again....:)

Here's some Blogs I made on Carla a few years ago -

Here's one of my first interviews < audio > Click below -

When this building first open? I had a chance to get a room in that much needy place but I refuse.


The reason is because I'm always on the go!!!! In and out the door I go!!! You know??? ADHD STYLE!!!

Remember the big flood? If I lived in the North Side it would have been impossible to blog the over 1,000 I took for the whole world to witness.

The new building is located away from the Downtown area.


At first, I believe the reason it was located in that area? It would remove the less fortunate from the Downtown area.

You know? Out of sight and out of mind!!!


But many of the less fortunate were very happy to get a place in the new building. Such as Sandra who collects empties to earn a few extra bucks.


The same building is to be built in the South end of Saint John but some people don't want it there!!!

I don't get it!!!

This place will add some beauty to the area.

Many in Saint John are living in small rooming houses around the City.

Mind you? It wasn't all roses at first in the new building in the Capital.

Just imagine for a seconds. Close to 50 people with different mental or physical disabilities living under the same roof?

A good friend of mine Carla LeBlanc agreed to grant me a youtube interview.


It's pretty interesting.

You can listen to the interviews by clicking below -

Part one -

Carla talks about low profit housing

Part two -

Low profit housing is a good place to live

My ADHD went overboard for a minute. Carla used to be into heavy drugs so I asked her views on this issue. Listen to her answer -

Part three -

Drug problem in New Brunswick

Part four -


Go and listen to Carla LeBlanc up front interview by click below -


Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.
Pictures 228

A few weeks ago, I was standing at a corner waiting for the lights to change.

I noticed this girl standing beside me so being Charles?

I began a conversation.

Her name is Karla LeBlanc.

She has been a junkie for years and is now a person who trying to help others get off prescription drugs.

You can read a past blog I wrote about this issue by clicking below -

<a href="";

I noticed that Carla could spot drugs materials on the streets better than me.


She would pick the items up and put them in a garbage bag.

I bought Carla over my place and had an interview.

I believe it went well. If you wish to hear first hand the story of a junkie on the streets? Click below.

Someone told me that Carla gives the definition of the word - HOPE a stronger meaning!!!

It’s sort of like the Russell interview but more clearer.

Carla is an individual the Province needs to educate the public of what’s going on here in New Brunswick?


Carla Dawn (Rignanesi) LeBlanc 1972-2015


We are saddened to announce the passing of Carla Dawn LeBlanc, age 42 of Fredericton and formerly of Minto, on January 2, 2015 at her home. 

Born in Minto, NB, she was a daughter of the late Matto and Viola (Williams) Rignanesi and wife of the late Lawrence LeBlanc. 

She is survived by her sisters Bonny Hawkes of Moncton, Karen Hoyt (Jake) of Fredericton; brother Danny Rignanesi (Debbie) of Ripples; several nieces and nephews. 

Following cremation, a funeral service will be held at Bishop’s Funeral Home Chapel, 540 Woodstock Road on Tuesday January 6, 2015 at 2:00 PM with Rev. Paul Thompson officiating. Interment will be held at a later date in Minto, NB.

 For those who wish donations to the Living Memorial Fund for the family are appreciated.

Fredericton Police going to hunt down kids riding a Bicycle on Ice!!!!

Just heard it on the Scanner...they said - We're going to BREAK their fun!!!

They will arrest these Kids and make them sign conditions that are impossible to follow!!!!

We do need to get rid of these idiots!!!!

Violence is growing in Fredericton but the Cops are too busy chasing the kids on bicycle!!

Excuse my humble language but FUCK!!!!!

How did three people get killed on Highway 8 outside of Fredericton???

How did this happened????

Where's this Climate Change????

Could a member of the Fredericton Police Force be the new New Brunswick Legislature's Sergeant-at-Arms????

This would be terrible because they would fill the Legislature with Cops so they can earned more Overtime pay!!!!!

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Will Blogger Charles LeBlanc be digging his own grave in 2015????

Great Day for a ride from Miramichi to the Evil City of Fredericton!!!!

Dan Bussieres spotted one last time.....


Adios Daniel, ya ole fart. Good ridence, sweet dreams, do have a wonderful time and all dat der shit right der. Jist be aware dat dey can spot a horse's arce a mile away in Victoria. And watch out for those damn circle flies. they LUUUUUUV a horse's arce.
It's been one helluva blast, ya ole bastard, we're gonna miss da hell outta ya.

2015 is going to be a VERY BAD year for the Idiot Cowards Jerkface!!!

It had to come down to this!!!!!

Idiot Cowards Jerkface will no longer have a place to share their idiotic views because all Newspaper Website and News Sites are going to remove their comment section!

It was terrible...people were stepping forward on issues and these jackass would insult them but in a coward way.

There's a site for news and I often leave my videos in there but these idiots attack me personally. It's Nuts!

I always tell these coward to confront me in public or take a swing at me but I haven't seen them yet!!!!

Too bad because it would make a nice story. You beat the shit out of them and have them charge in court! < By the R.C.M.P. of course! >

Yes...these poor little babies had their fun but the good old days will return that if you have something to say? Say it to a person face!

But thank God there are people who have opinions on social media and not afraid  to share them in public!!!!