
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Irving reporter caught Fascist Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside looking himself in the mirror at City Hall!!!



  1. There will come a time where he spends a spell in hell...the price for selling ones soul. One thing for sure he won't be there alone.

  2. In all of Mayor Woodside's sins, why is it no one talks about how he invents by-laws?
    I would think this is against the law,

  3. brad woodside shold be in jail for bracking the rights and freedoms jail pan handleing is not a crime ridring your bike on the road is unsafe and if someone get hit the city can get suet and i think the city has alot of lawsues and spends money on bull shot fredericton needs a change

  4. I think yer a buncha dopes.

  5. Well, Well, Well, Lots of darts being thrown around, Don't you dopes get it. I will say it once, I will say it again and again. When you are the mayor ya got "ALL THE POWER" And if something is not wright well dame well fix, And to the Mayor keep it up your doing a hell of a job I must say all the best in 2016.
