
Charles Jackie

:Seperator bar Lower

News - Stories and Rants

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Idiot Fredericton Mayor Mike O'Brien throws historical Cannons from the HMS Victory in the snow!!!

MrFpjohn 4 hours ago (edited) · Automatically held Hello Charles: Naval cannon brought from Halifax in 1947.

Why remove them?

The only way to drive in Fredericton......:)

Debating the issue of Mental Illness in Fredericton....

Well Charles. Sharon and Andre I realy enjoy this live they should be more people like u guys and I hope that people with mental illness speak out they have rights like everyone else .Because I'm one of them that has a mental illness and finaly afther 30 some years finaly I got the help by two passionate DR.BORDEAU THAT now retired but was referd to his coli DR. MARTINEAU I wouldn't where im today I was one of the the lucky ones to have theses 2 doctors to work with again thank you everyone to speak out tonight on this live you guys should be doing more lives on this mental health illeness subject thank you

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Eagles will win...34-13 and this guy will be the hero -

New Brunswick Bishop Robert Harris truly knows how to handle those Pesky...

New Brunswicker encourage Blogger to continue the fight.....

Tip of an anonymous, not known to the public, so called crime stopper, resulted in the murder of an innocent Canadian citizen and our NB legal system had accepted such an outcome.


Charles, very few dares publicly expose lawlessness and corruption in New Brunswick in such a smart way as you do. I salute you for your courage, perseverance and stamina.

You are doing a great job reminding all of us who are viewing your blog on Youtube, that we citizens, taxpayers, voters here in New Brunswick are treated like total idiots by all those in power. Interviewing Nicolas Vienneau, also when interviewing me, you are performing a terrific reporting, because you are sticking to the facts presented to you by the person you were interviewing. Here in New Brunswick (NB) our attention get deviated when reading about public humiliation of a grandfather who uninvited had kissed his granddaughter, and at the same time plain-clothed policemen, falsely informed execute, read murder, an innocent Canadian citizen, and the capital crime is swept under the rug. In New Brunswick, law enforcement on many levels are practicing a double standard, which means that the existing law is applied casually, as George Orwell wrote: "ALL ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ARE MORE EQUAL. Double standard in practice means lawlessness. Charles, very few dares publicly expose lawlessness and corruption in New Brunswick in such a smart way as you do. I salute you for your courage, perseverance and stamina.

Yours, Vladimir S

Brunswick Street Church's Pastor Brian MacArthur had a VERY strong and good message this morning!

Friday, 2 February 2018

Ontario Gal and Blogger educate each other at Carleton Park in Fredericton!!!

Well, well, well, Charlie, what we obviously have here is a snowman who can only be up to one of three things; he's running for political office; he's a politician who thinks he's an expert, as in Justin Trudeau, Donnie Bumbles, Kim Jung Un, (HOLY SWEET SHIT); or he's a maple leaf fan who still thinks, for all the world that Le Coupe Stanley will one day put in a personal appearance at center ice at Maple Leaf Gardens; HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! He's jis gotta sober up, that's all. HAVE ANOTHER BEER, PAL. GMM says GO SENS GO!!!!!!

Evelyn Grove Manor in Fredericton should be totally clean from Bed Bugs!!!!

New Contractor hired to finish hotel on Queen Street? Why was old Contractor fired???

Brian Gallant Liberal Ministers are confronted by the Blogger about different issues!!!!

The Gerald Stanley Trial in Saskatchewan is going to be VERY interesting....

This is going to be a VERY interesting trial!!!!...I'm sorta on the Farmer's side with this one......

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Le Governement du Nouveau-Brunswick devrait fournir des Avocats dans des cas Civile!!!!

New Brunswick P.C. Leader Blaine Higgs received a phone call from the Blogger on Rogers Voice of the Province!!!!

This is what the battle against the Fredericton Police Force is all about......

New Brunswick Police Commission and Fredericton Police views on Bilingual Officers!!!!

Chief Justice of the Province of N.B. Ernest Drapeau to retire!!!

Having a chat in Fredericton....

Protesting in Fredericton the cancelling of Electoral Reform by Justin Trudeau!!!

Fredericton Transit Drivers should have Bus Schedules!!!!

No road rage at corner of Brunswick and Westmorland Street in Fredericton!!!


Blogger still want to know why are members of the Fredericton Police Force doing in our schools???

What ever happened of the case of Fredericton Abortionist Doctor in Fredericton Dr Adrian Edgar????

Never heard nothing more on this story ..

I guess there was an incident last night in the plane and the plane was diverted to Ottawa.

Once there, all passengers were ordered off the plane. Only the Doctor was ordered to stay.

The Police arrested the Doctor and the plane continue its journey to Fredericton without the Doctor!!!

Does anyone have more info on this issue?


Friday, 26 January 2018

MY GOD???? HE'S 100% RIGHT!!!!!!!

Does anyone out there she the funny or strange part???

Blogger at a VERY weak moment.....

This culture keeps me in trouble......

Appeal Court Judge grants Blogger an extension till March 26th!!!!

Green Party Leader David Coon and P.C. Leader Blaine Higgs views on 2018 State of the Province Address!!!

Premier Brian Gallant introduce new promotional video at State of the Province Address!!!

Premier Brian Gallant is introduce at the 2018 State of the Province Address!!!

Why anyone, Charlie, who might possess even a remote modicom of intelligence, or even a miniscule facsimile thereof, would want to deck theirselves out in their finest of threads, burn a half a tank worth of gas, pay parking fees up the arse, tickets for the God-forsaken event, winin', dinin' and ass-kissin', only to sit on their self-righteous, self-important, snobby asses and listen to this red communist bastard reel off his diatribe of verbal total dioriah, does nuttin' more, my friend to lend absolute creedance to the very obvious fact that we are under the control of idiots who possess absolutely no more sembelence of descency than Donnie Bumbles and Kim Jung Un. All Maple Bud fans, of course. GO SENS GO!!!!!!

Comedian Marshall Button gives his 2018 prediction at State of the Province Adresse!!

Comedian Marshall Button at the 2018 New Brunswick State of the Province Address!!!!

Natives singing National Anthem at the 2018 New Brunswick State of the Province Address!!!!

Natives singing away at the 2018 New Brunswick State of the Province Address!!!!

Monday, 22 January 2018

Fredericton Community Soup Kitchen should communicate with the Public when something goes wrong!!!!

André Faust

You made a very good point in regards to the volunteers, What you described in your video if it accurate you are talking about gross exploitation of the volunteers because they are dragging their feet on either repairing the dishwasher or replacing it. The pool of volunteers is a limited pool, are they not considering "Burnout". Several years ago you invited me to go down to the kitchen with you at peak time so that I could see the operation. I was impressed by how well organized the volunteers were and how quickly they move considering that on that day the kitchen was filled to capacity.

It doesn't take rocket science to figure out the volume of dishes that would have to be cleaned and to accomplish that you would need the equipment to handle a load of that kind.

When a crisis or serious problem occurs, such as in this case, malfunctioning dishwasher. People for a short period of time can expend a tremendous amount of energy and time to keep the system operating. It becomes a problem when these volunteers have to work this hard over an extended period of time. Burning out their volunteers is not in the best interest of the "Soup Kitchen" and it's clients. The obvious is that the volunteers will eventually wear our and longer function efficiently, or they quit.

The other point that you made; Is why haven't the kitchen gone public with their problem?

In crises situations, Fredectonians are very good in helping out financially.

Common sense would dictate that they would try to remedy this problem as quickly as possible to take the pressure off of their volunteers.

Blogger is invited at the 2018 State of the Province Address on January25th!!!!


This was last year -

There must be some VERY bad stuff that's going to be said at that event. I might add someone connected VERY close to the Irvings is now on their staff!!!

Let them have their night...I will be asking questions of what was said on that evening until the next Provincial Election!!!

Stay tuned....

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Idiot Mayor Mike O'Brien to order BIG crack down on Cyclists this Spring!!!


COME ON CANON!!!!!! You make a wonderful camera man ...but your case SUCKS....It fell on the ground... < no damage >..THANK GOD that I notice....:)....Camera store to expect a visit from me in the morning since i only had the Camera for a month....:(.........$500.00 camera with a cheap case....sigghhh......