News - Stories and Rants
Sunday, 25 October 2015
Saturday, 24 October 2015
Friday, 23 October 2015
Blogger Charles LeBlanc have retain a Lawyer but needs another $1800.00!!!!
Yesterday morning myself and my supporters met a lawyer.
It was a VERY good meeting, It sort of reminded of an episode of Law and Order, everyone was sitting down around this huge table and gave their own personal views on my up-coming trial for the alleged assault against so-called poet Andrew Spencer.
I wish to thank all my supporters that helped me raise $3,000 to fight this injustice. BUT I need an extra $2,000 to pursue with this case.
You can help me by sending 5, 10, 20 or more to - Charles LeBlanc APT# 1 Westmorland Street Frede3ricton New Brunswick Canada E3B 3L4
Now that I have retained a lawyer I will NOT blog about this issue again, until the trial is over BUT I wish to make myself VERY clear on one issue - I will continue to blog issues of the wrongdoing the City of Fredericton and the Fredericton police of the wrong they have done to me, but not about this case.
There is something about being labelled as a pedophile that pisses a person off.
The Legislature will open in December and I will hunt down these politicians and bureaucrats about these issues. This could be all settled in a matter of hours, if the City, Brad Woodside, and the police would sit down with me to settle our differences once and for all, but these snobs will never sit down with the less fortunate, especially people with mental illness, to apologize for their wrongdoing, so I guess - being Scottish - this unfortunate battle will continue for years. Stay tuned!
Thursday, 22 October 2015
A VERY HUGE thank you to the starnger who deposited $100.00 last night!!!
I was told this by the people who runs the Legal Fund!!!
We're almost there!!! Another $1800.00 to go!!!!
If you want to fight this HUGE injustice? Please donate!!
You can send cash at -
Charles LeBlanc 145 Westmorland Street APT # 1 Fredericton New Brunswick Canada E2B 3L4 :)
We're almost there!!! Another $1800.00 to go!!!!
If you want to fight this HUGE injustice? Please donate!!
You can send cash at -
Charles LeBlanc 145 Westmorland Street APT # 1 Fredericton New Brunswick Canada E2B 3L4 :)
It was one year ago the poor reservist was shot dead in Ottawa and also the City of Fredericton told the World they were BIG Cowards!!!
The City Hall was shut dead for two weeks because of this coward act!!!!
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Blogger filled in complaint to the New Brunswick Police Commission against Fredericton Police Constable Eardley and Constable Rideout!!!
I have no choice because after the Bernard Richard you have believe they wouldn't give ticket from 3rd Party complaint. Especially 2 months after the facts.
I might add Former CBC Journalist Roy Gjelstad is a known enemy of mine. As a matter of fact? I almost went to the Fredericton Police about this bi-polar lunatic!!!!
It's strange that I'm attracting all the nut case eh???
Here's the video -
Blogger collected $60.00 at Mary Lou Election Night Party!!!!
I wish to say a MERCI BEAUCOUP to the supporters!!!! I deposited the money in the special Bank account the next morning!!!!
Thanks again!!!!
We are over $3,000!!!
Closing in on $5,000!!!!..:)...If you wish to help? Please do!!!
Click below for info -
This Chine style of Justice will land me in Jail for 6 months!!!! It was VERY clear during the last few hearings. The Prosecutor was allow by the Judge to lie and I wasn't allowed to show a video that he was lying.
It's Racism against the less fortunate..Especially with people with mental illness. They are dying behind bars and because of privacy issues? The Government don't don't have to tell the public how or when she died.
Only in New Brunswick!!!!
If you wish to help? Send money at - Charles LeBlanc 145 Westmorland Street APY# 1 Fredericton New Brunswick Canada E3B 4L3
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Monday, 19 October 2015
Sunday, 18 October 2015
Maybe this is the reason Fascist Mayor Brad Woodside refuse to invite me to his office and try to get my old Blog back????
Maybe the City of Fredericton were to blame for the murders???
Myself, I think it's because John Felsing was going to come out with Kingsclear before we knew of the Pedophile ring!!
Adults were coming from all over the world to have Sex with Kids who were behind bars. All they had to do was to share booze and smokes.
Here's some comments and a link below with pictures.... Here’s a reader comment – Thanks Mr. Leblanc for having the courage to post on the Felsing murders. I walked the Oromocto flats many times and although I was born after 1965 I have researched the Felsing murders for years. What I found were a series of coincidences pertaining to dates around 1965 when the Felsings were found murdered. Agent Orange was in its infancy and was being sprayed around the same area. This was extremely confidential at the time as the Vietnam War was on and the USA did not want military secrets to be public news. I believe the Felsings discovered cannisters by the waters edge, seeing what they were not supposed to see. My mother talked about this often. Ironic as she died from complications of agent orange exposure (type three pancreatic lesion). Growing up in the area I have seen hunters around the area. I suppose there could have been a shooting accident. That does not explain why the bodies were moved after the discovery. The person who discovered the Felsings went to notify the authorities. It was reported that Mr. felsing was laying with his legs spread open and the family dog was sitting on the pavement between his legs. When the police arrived Mr. Felsing’s legs were closed. Why? There has been no person brave enough to come forward with any credible evidence. If it were an accident someone, even a family member or friend of the “shooter” would have come forward. I do not believe this was a random act. 1965 was a different era, people kept their mouths shut about everything. I’m not like that. I hope people that comment on your blog have the same attitude and actually leave their names. Marc Trefry Halifax NS Interesting!!! Go to this Link for more info!!! - Here's another comment - Hi Charles, I am from Regina. My dad Francis Smith (deceased 1988) , Isabella’s only sibling moved to Weyburn, Sk during WWII. There was an airforce base there. He met my mom while he was in Weyburn. They married in 1945. Settled in Regina. He died never knowing what happened on that night of Oct 19/65. He always felt that there was fowl play involved. Isabella was only married to Jack Felsing for a few months when she passed away. She was in her 40’s when she married Jack. She stayed at home looking after her ailing mom and dad (my grandparents). After they passed away she married Jack. They lived in my grandparents home after they got married at 679 Churchill Row. My grandfather was a Professor of Music at the University I believe. He was also the head organist at Christ Church Cathedral. Anyways my father always had bad feelings toward Jack’s sister, Betty Lees. You see, after the autopsy and inquiry it was determined that Isabella died first – probably almost instantly and 1/2 of her face was blown off and she lost an entire breast in the shotgun blast. I think 3 pellets entered Jack’s jugular vein and he bled to death probably within 20 minutes. So, because there was no will everything went from my Aunt Isabella to Jack and from there it went from Jack to his sister Betty Lees. The house and all of it’s contents went to Jack Felsing’s family who my dad never knew. They willingly took everything with no concern for my father. My father grew up in 679 Churchill Row. When he arrived in Frederiction the day after the shooting the Betty and Tom Lee’s would not even let him in to his childhood home. He was shocked. He had to get a lawyer–I believe his name was Ross Emerson to get in to his own house. My dad always had suspicion about the Lees as they showed very little remorse. Everyone has their own theories as to why they were shot. It is very interesting indeed! I just wish my father would have found something out before he passed away. Every year around Oct. 19 I have tried to stir up interest by sending in a letter to the Daily Gleaner. I do get a few letters from people who remember this incident. It’s nice to know that there are other’s out there that haven’t forgotten. Dad always felt that the shot was only intended for Isabella – and Jack just happened to be unlucky. Also, Jack’s body was turned over my someone. Their black Lab, Heather was with them at the time. Dad said that Heather would not have let anyone near them if he did not know them.. So whoever turned Jack over must have known them. They were eventually found by a cab driver who contacted the police. When the police arrived they had to laso Heather and tie her to a tree before they could get to the bodies. It stated in the Coroner’s report that Jack could not have turned himself over – he had to be turned over by someone. They thought maybe Heather could have some how managed to turn him over. But who knows? The RCMP have assured me that this is still an active file and they do work on it. They have told me that they will get back to me and report what is going on. But I never hear from them. The only way it is going to be solved is if that someone comes forward with some information — and I am sure they are out there. Nice to hear from you. You sound like a pretty interesting guy. Cindy ——————————————————————————————————– Hi Charles: Thanks for your prompt reply to my blog. I’ve attached a picture that was taken just today–midway between my Aunt Isabella’s birthdate of Oct 13 thand her sudden passing on Oct 19. I hope the picture works out for you. Thank you so much for taking the time to have this unfortunate and sad tragedy put on your blog. I am so glad that I came across it last nite. It is very interesting. If there’s anything more you need, please let me know. Coincidently, we are going to our granddaughter’s baptism this afternoon. Her name is Brooklyn Isabelle Sebastian. I am so glad that my daughter and son-in-law have named this precious little girl in memory of my late father’s sister. Cindy Taylor
Saturday, 17 October 2015
Friday, 16 October 2015
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Fall Pictures...
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Stephen Harper Loses Bid For Overlord of the Underworld
Reblogged The Left eye (Oct 13, 2015)
Hades – Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper fails to oust Lucifer.
an unprecedented move, Harper attempted to take over Lucifer’s
parliament of hell. According to Lucifer’s public relations officer.
Harper was caught trying to stack Lucifer’s dark parliament with his
minions of fallen angles, Mike Duffy, Patrick Brazeau and Pamela Wallin
and others. Harper is quoted to have said; to Abaddon “You won’t
recognize Hell when I’m through with it” It will become known as
Harper’s hell. Abaddon being an avid supporter of Lucifer reported
Harpers intentions to his boss Lucifer.
realizing that Harpers over ambition for power instructed Beelzebub
cast harper to in to the sea of forever and send him back to Canada.
final plea the legion that he was not attempting to over through
Lucifer. Harper argued, that In order to keep the burning inferno going,
it would be cost effective to get cheap oil from Canada to keep the
furnace hell operating at peak capacity. According to Chair demon
Lucifer. “Mr. Harper you lied, cheated had secret meetings to undermine
your fellow mortal Canadians. If this is what you did to your fellow
mortals, what will you do to me to advance yourself?” At that point,
Lucifer gave the thumbs down and Beelzebub Cast the Harperman out.
Monday, 12 October 2015
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