Danny Watters can't see beyond the end of his legal beak. He believes for all the world, Charlie, that the BIG CHEESE and FINAL SOY-SO of all humanity revolves around his convoluted vision of the judge, jury and executioner justise system as seen as part of the Marxist-Stalinist regime. He's gotta go back to lawyer school and learn what ta hell he's supposed to be doin'. BLOW IT OUT YER LEGAL BRIEFS, PAL!!!!!!!!
Danny Watters can't see beyond the end of his legal beak. He believes for all the world, Charlie, that the BIG CHEESE and FINAL SOY-SO of all humanity revolves around his convoluted vision of the judge, jury and executioner justise system as seen as part of the Marxist-Stalinist regime. He's gotta go back to lawyer school and learn what ta hell he's supposed to be doin'. BLOW IT OUT YER LEGAL BRIEFS, PAL!!!!!!!!