Monday, 5 September 2016

Moved three Cords of woods on Labour Day!!!!


  1. can you please explain to your readers again why you can't work and require social assistance. looks like you're able bodied enough to me.

  2. Sure.....the Government fought a human case against me that I wasn't allow to work...system don't want me to work....I work hard as a Journalist but I don't get paid..:(

  3. what is a human case? you're not allowed to work? i've never heard of that before. i didn't think the government could tell you that you're not allowed to work. doesn't add up,

  4. Then get a job as a journalist and stop sponging of the rest of us.....or go work for Irving moving wood...seems you are quite capable of doing it

  5. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

  6. Yeah, hey, I just saw three jobs advertized stacking cord wood and paying 60 grand a year!
