Monday, 7 March 2016

Private Contractor who worked on Bridge all summer long outside Renous was a disaster to taxpayers!!!



  1. This is the price we pay for our negative growth, zero opportunity province whose leaders give building jobs to buddies instead of competent professionals. Those with knowledge and experience go where there is more work and pays better than NB.

  2. Only the liberals, only the liberals.

    Vote liberals and you get zero for province $$$ goes to fund BIG pension

    Quebec BAD roads, BAD bridge

    Pay for QUALITY but GET 25% of value. 75%/2 only leaves 37.5% profit for liberals & contractor

    Tax payer cough up more $$$

  3. Don`t think they done any work on the floor of the bridge ,only underneath ,should have gone under

  4. All the work was done under the bridge. The pavement is being completed this Spring. Get your facts straight Charles.

  5. They only worked under bridge..get your facts straight before running your tongue!!
