Sunday, 18 October 2015

Little Kid believes Stephen Harper is a Dummy!!!


  1. Good prediction Gabriel - let's hope Stephen dummy does not get back in. You might enjoy this song.

    Nice to see the younger generation taking an interest.

  2. Does show how ignorant people are.

    Canada is in a great position overall even when countries going bankrupt etc. It is a financial mess all around the world caused by politician who overspend our tax $$$.

    Harper is wise in directing the country and may I add the only one who has enough balls to take the course that is required and that is do not to over spend or you get the country in debt and in trouble.

    Stop crapping on a good man just because the lying media says Harper is bad. Use your brain instead of repeating the lying media.

    The only lie Charles says is when he repeats the media that Harper is bad when he is the BEST for Canada

    Charles use your brain and evaluate why you repeat the media instead of your BRAIN. Odd to me because you are dead on on almost everything else.

    You have a Harper love affair going on Charles. hahaha

