Monday, 9 March 2015

The Irvings are laying off all their Newspaper Photographers!!!!

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Sad....Very sad....the beginning of the end??? Heyyyyy...send us your pictures and we will post them...become a Photographer Journalist with us!!!

We don't pay you but you will be well known for your work!!!!..:P

This is all in the Irvings plans so they don't have to pay into their Pensions!!

My God??? The Irvings must have been very happy once they learned their long time Journalists were at Larry's Gulch?

Bye bye!!!! No pension!!!! You're fired!!!!

I laughed when Jamie Irving said - This will help us to compete!!!!!


Siiigghhhhh.....Only in New Brunswick!!!!


  1. Jean-Claude D'Amours was the one that made the statement about competing. Not Irving. But as always with you, don't let facts get in the way.

  2. Your the news Charles

    Paper news is it not dead yet?

    When it dies you will be the only news left in the Maritime. Franchise out to Nova Scotia and PEI and Newfoundland. You will be the King of Eastern Canada news

    Good Job Charles keep up the TRUTH news.
